
Campaign Analytics API

Programmatic access to campaign result data


Richie Ads provides API access to the campaign analytics data that underpins our campaign reporting. The API responds at and uses HTTP Basic Authentication with account credentials separate from the Richie Console credentials; please reach out to Richie Support to gain access to the API.

List Campaigns

GET /ads/v3/campaigns

The campaigns endpoint returns all campaigns the account credentials used in the request have access to. There is one optional query parameter:

with_events_sinceReturn campaigns with new data since this timeSeconds since 1 Jan 1970

The response includes an object for each campaign:

  "campaigns": [
      "id": "cac2e29b-0e95-4c89-b5bd-9e1e00d9c388",
      "name": "Example Campaign 15 June 2019—22 June 2019",
      "reportUrl": "",
      "ads": [
          "name": "ad name",
          "ad_uuid": "ad uuid",
          "preview": ""
      "id": "6fba113b-089d-47d9-9943-bbf97f3950a7",
      "name": "Another Campaign 20190701",
      "reportUrl": "",
      "ads": [
          "name": "another ad name",
          "ad_uuid": "another ad uuid",
          "preview": ""
  "lastModifiedTimestamp": 1562133501

To continuously update campaign data on your systems, you can poll this endpoint by storing and roundtripping the lastModifiedTimestamp value to the with_events_since query parameter of the next request.

Campaign Report Data

To fetch report data for a single campaign, use the campaign report endpoint:

GET /ads/v3/campaigns/:uuid/report

You can either construct this URI using a campaign ID or use the reportUrl from the campaign listing API as-is.

The response JSON includes a results object at the top level:

  "results": {
    "<appslug>": {
      "<platform>": { ... }
    "<appslug2>": { ... },

appslug is a machine readable identifier for the application. Possible platforms are ios, android and html5.

For each platform, an object with the following properties is included:

impressionsData for impressionsimpressions object
clicksData for clicksclicks object
customData for custom interactionscustom object
engagementEngagement dataengagement object

Note: Properties above are only included when data exists for the type.

Impressions data

The properties of the impressions object are:

impressionsTotal impressionsinteger
uniquesUnique visitorsinteger
dailyBreakdownImpression breakdown by dayarray
hourlyBreakdownImpression breakdown by hourarray
stopDurationsMean stop durations for percentiles of stopping visitorsobject
totalDwellTimeTotal time spent on campaignfloat (seconds)

Clicks data

The properties of the clicks object are:

clicksNumber of clicks inside creativesinteger
uniquesUnique visitor clicks inside creativesinteger
dailyBreakdownClicks by dayarray
hourlyBreakdownClicks by hourarray
URLsClicks by target urlarray

Custom data

The properties of the custom object are:

customEventsNumber of custom interaction events inside creativesinteger
uniquesUnique visitors performing custom interactionsinteger
dailyBreakdownInteractions by dayarray
hourlyBreakdownInteractions by hourarray
namesInteractions by namearray

Engagement data

Engagement data combines clicks and custom interactions into overall figures. The properties of the engagement object are:

engagementEventsNumber of engagement events inside creativesinteger
uniquesUnique visitors engaging inside creativesinteger
dailyBreakdownEngagement events by dayarray
hourlyBreakdownEngagement events by hourarray

Daily and hourly breakdowns

Each data object contains breakdowns by day and hour. It's an array containing rows for each time slice.

Example breakdown for daily impressions:

  "dailyBreakdown": [
      "impressions": 1234,
      "newUniques": 555,
      "time": "2020-10-06T21:00:00+00:00"
      "impressions": 1432,
      "newUniques": 765,
      "time": "2020-10-07T21:00:00+00:00"
      "impressions": 1111,
      "newUniques": 456,
      "time": "2020-10-08T21:00:00+00:00"

Clicked URL details

The click data contains an array of all clicked URLs in the campaign.

  "URLs": [
      "clicks": 123,
      "URL": ""
      "clicks": 55,
      "URL": ""

Custom interaction details

The custom event data contains an array of all custom interaction events in the campaign. name is an array of strings. It contains arbitrary data unique to the each creative.

  "names": [
      "count": 50,
      "name": [
      "count": 20,
      "name": [

Application Configurations

GET /ads/v2/applications

The applications endpoint returns details of all the application configurations the account credentials used in the request have access to. Note that the field names of the returned objects differ from the ones used by the campaign reports endpoint:

idIdentifier for the app configuration. "appID" on the report APIUTF-8 string
bundleIDThe bundle or package id of the app. "clientID" on the report APIUTF-8 string
platformOS / Platform"ios", "android", "html5"
shortNameThe name entered when this configuration was addedUTF-8 string
descriptionThe description entered when this configuration was addedUTF-8 string
JavaScript API