@protocol RichieSwiperDataSource <NSObject>
If the number of pages in Swiper changes, call -reloadData to let the know that.
-(NSInteger) numberOfPagesInSwiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper;
DataSource is responsible for creating views for pages.
It can use -[RichieSwiper frameForPageAtIndex:] for creating the view with correct size.
RichieSwiper itself doesn't use auto layout, but pages can use auto layout internally.
Note that the returned view will have it's frame set so it's as wide as the swiper view,
and centered vertically if it's shorter than swiper view.
-(UIView *) swiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper pageAtIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
Called after RichieSwiper has removed page view from view hierarchy.
This is an opportunity for the DataSource to do any necessary tear down (clearing delegates, stopping operations)
if page view instances aren't recycled or otherwise cached. Also, this method can be used to gather views for
recycling (manually), similar to how UITableView recycles cell views.
Views cached for recycling in this call can be later returned by -swiper:pageAtIndex:.
-(void) swiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper didRemovePage:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
@MainActor protocol RichieSwiperDataSource : NSObjectProtocol
If the number of pages in Swiper changes, call -reloadData to let the know that.
- (NSInteger)numberOfPagesInSwiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper;
func numberOfPages(in swiper: (any RichieSwiper)!) -> Int
DataSource is responsible for creating views for pages. It can use -[RichieSwiper frameForPageAtIndex:] for creating the view with correct size. RichieSwiper itself doesn’t use auto layout, but pages can use auto layout internally. Note that the returned view will have it’s frame set so it’s as wide as the swiper view, and centered vertically if it’s shorter than swiper view.
- (UIView *)swiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper pageAtIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
func swiper(_ swiper: (any RichieSwiper)!, pageAt pageIndex: Int) -> UIView!
Called after RichieSwiper has removed page view from view hierarchy. This is an opportunity for the DataSource to do any necessary tear down (clearing delegates, stopping operations) if page view instances aren’t recycled or otherwise cached. Also, this method can be used to gather views for recycling (manually), similar to how UITableView recycles cell views. Views cached for recycling in this call can be later returned by -swiper:pageAtIndex:.
- (void)swiper:(id<RichieSwiper>)swiper didRemovePage:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex;
optional func swiper(_ swiper: (any RichieSwiper)!, didRemovePage view: UIView!, at pageIndex: Int)