Other Structures
The following structures are available globally.
represents a page number to an edition.Edition page numbers are 0-based. Using
See moreEditionPageNumber
helps you keep track of the value domain you are operating in, in case you also have 1-based, human oriented page numbers in your system. You can convert from 1-based integers withinit(oneBased:)
public struct EditionPageNumber : Hashable, Sendable
See moreStartableResultProvider
is an operation that can be started with a completion closure and can be cancelled.Declaration
public struct StartableResultProvider<Value, Failure> where Failure : Error
extension StartableResultProvider: StartableCancelable
A source for a
value. Used for debugging across the Richie system.
See moreDistributedTracingIDSource
wraps a closure that produces an identifier. The staticlive
value provides a source that produces a new random identifier each time it is called.Declaration
public struct DistributedTracingIDSource : Sendable