
data class Edition(val id: UUID, val coverSize: IntSize, val title: String, val description: String?, val date: Date, val featuredUntil: Date?, val isFree: Boolean, val productTag: String, val productName: String, coverUrl: String, metadataVersion: Int, packageVersion: Int)

Data class that holds the display information for an edition, typically used decorate the UI.


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constructor(id: UUID, coverSize: IntSize, title: String, description: String?, date: Date, featuredUntil: Date?, isFree: Boolean, productTag: String, productName: String, coverUrl: String, metadataVersion: Int, packageVersion: Int)


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val coverSize: IntSize

Original cover size in pixels.

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val date: Date

The Edition's publication date.

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The Edition's description, optional.

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Indicates this Edition should be displayed in a featured list up to this point in time.

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val id: UUID

Unique id of the Edition

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Specifies if an edition can be read for free.

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A tag that identifies the organization this edition comes from.

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The product name this edition belongs to.

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A tag that identifies the product this edition belongs to.

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The Edition's title.