
A combination of the edition cover provider interfaces.


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abstract fun coverBitmapForEdition(edition: Edition, boundingBoxSize: IntSize, completion: (Bitmap?, CoverError?) -> Unit): Cancelable

This method provides a Bitmap with the cover of an edition cover given a size through boundingBoxSize in pixels. The cover size is guaranteed to fit in boundingBoxSize. Edition.coverSize can be used if you need to calculate an exact size to pass in boundingBoxSize.

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abstract fun coverBytesForEdition(edition: Edition, targetSize: IntSize, completion: (ByteArray?, CoverError?) -> Unit): Cancelable

This method provides a ByteArray value with the image file data for the cover of an edition. The cover is provided through the the completion callback. targetSize is used for URL creation if the image is not locally available, but this method makes no guarantees about the size of the image represented by the returned data.