Show the library in the containerView in the host activity.
The fragmentManager should have no child fragments in it. In other words, if you're showing the library view in an empty fragment, pass the fragment's child fragment manager to the function.
The containerView should be an empty view in which the library UI will present itself. It is recommended that you hide your app's action bar, if it has one, since the SDK has its own custom action bar.
Calling this function sets isLibraryVisible to true
The default configuration uses TabBarType.TOP for a top tab bar, and the Tab.defaultTabs set of tabs.
You can show any tab in tabs as the initial tab by setting initialTab. Tab.FEATURED is the default value. If the given initialTab doesn't exist in tabs, Tab.FEATURED is shown.
Pass in uiConfiguration if you need to customize UI bits, such as the title in the library view.
Call onDestroyView when the view can be destroyed, which is primarily when destroying the host activity.
actionBarProvider is optional; the SDK provides a default implementation which will be expanded soon.